Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Hello! For those of you still following, I know it's been a REALLY LONG TIME! :)
Anyways, I'll be back next year to blogg a ton more, I promise!

Just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Visit with Friends...

Ok, so this week of February, my husband & I went out of town to visit with some of our best friends. We had such a blast hangin' out with them! We don't live close enough to get that opportunity very often, so every chance we get, we go and see them. :0)

Their youngest is now 16! WOW! I still think of him as the 7 yr old little boy I met almost 9 years ago! But, he's growing up and turning out, like all of their kids, to be a responsible young adult. All of their kids are doing well and are starting new chapters in their lives! Our godson just turned 6 the other day, and our niece will be 8 a little later this, time DOES fly! :0)

B & L we love you guys and your family so much! Thanks for such an awesome time/visit/hang out week! We love all of our philosophical discussions that sometimes get off point or have no real point in the end because we can't really remember why or how we got on the subject in the first place. LOL :0)

Your grace never ceases to amaze me L! I love talking to you about life and whatever else...B, you're such an awesome friend to my sweet hubby! Both of you have taken me into your family and love me unconditionally. It touches my heart beyond words. I know we've known each other for almost ten years, but I don't think you realize how much you mean to me. I know you know how much you mean to S and vise-versa.

L, I know you'll read this soon. :0) I also know what your reaction will be and what you'll tell B, or maybe you'll show him this, I dunno. I meant what I said.

Thanks for everything! You guys rock!
Long live PJ & EV! ;0)

May God continue to bless you and yours. I truly believe that you are angels in disguise to help all of us who need all the wonderful gifts you both offer.
Love you! :0) xoxoxox

Here's some fun pix from our visit and some of L's personal artwork & artwork from her kids! Enjoy! The last night we were there we had a wonderful bonfire thanks to B & my hubby! Most of the bonfire pics were shot on my phone as I couldn't really find my worries! I did find it! You can all rest easy ;0)

Garfield and Ode

Calling all pet owners!

Garfield and Ode need new portraits on the walls of your abodes. They've been telling us that they've been feeling a little left out of the family portraits. Why not show them how much they ARE a part of the family?

Don't miss out on March Madness for your Pets! Contact us today....Garfield and Ode will appreciate it! :0)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day!

Just wanted to wish you all a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with time with not only that special someone in your lives, but also your family & friends, who love you still the same!

Happy Valentine's Day !!! :0)


your Light Artistry family

Snow....Texas Style

Ok, so for the past couple of weeks, Texas has experienced an unusual winter pattern for an
el niño winter season....SNOW!!

A couple of weeks ago, we got about 2 inches of ice with some of that white powder stuff you Northerners call SNOW....which you would also call a "dusting" since you got WAY more than Anyways, here's some pics from the last two weeks...the current week is nice, sunny, and warm....MMMmmmm....can already feel myself starting to defrost and anticipate the Spring sweet they smell.....

Enjoy! (The first set is from two weeks ago, and the second set is from last week. Some are taken with a phone camera).

Love is in the Air....All Month Long

Love is in the air....
Can't you feel all the warmth that this month brings!? Even if you're single, it still can be a wonderful month to celebrate LOVE with those you care about.

During the month of February, we are offering a
FREE PORTRAIT SESSION to all those amazingly, wonderful couples in love! :0) You'll also receive 10% off your portrait order!

Call us now to book this romantic session for you and your special someone!

Happy Birthday!!

Calling all February Birthdays! Happy Birthday to you! Just a little reminder that if you're birthday is in the month of February, we are giving away a FREE PORTRAIT SESSION to you! You can book your session for any day of the month and bring whomever you like to join you in your Special photographs!
What a wonderful way to celebrate your day, but all month long!

A quick shout out to all those January Birthdays who missed this! Happy Belated Birthday! You, too, can come have your photos taken this month as an extension of your Special Day that we missed! :0)

This special will be available every month to those of you who are having a Birthday in the current month! :0) Hope to see you all soon!