Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th of July!!!

What a Beautiful Day it is, not to mention an honor, to have the opportunity to celebrate our FREEDOMS in this Amazing Country! We are so Blessed as a Nation, even in this difficult time. Yes, we are still at war, the economy is in a blunder, prices keep rising, unemployment is at an all time high, and it seems like there are so many difficult obstacles to overcome (from global warming to the failing health care system, to the scary demise of our infrastructure and the major overhaul it needs, etc). However, despite all these things, there is still HOPE. Our country was founded on many FREEDOMS. Throughout the life of this country we have sent our men and women off to war to protect those FREEDOMS. As we celebrate this Independence Day, let us not only remember what's currently at our door, but reflect on what we've overcome, and remember there is always HOPE for our future; the future of this great nation.
Happy Independence Day!
Happy 4th of July!
Happy Birthday, America!

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